Seminar for Staff of Russian Federal Penitentiary Service

Seminar for Staff of Russian Federal Penitentiary Service

On January 17, 2018, the seminar "Symbols of Nazism & Extremism" was held at Astrakhan State University for staff of the Astrakhan Regional Directorate of the Russian Federal Penitentiary Service.

The seminar aimed to inform the trainees of what the symbols of Nazism and extremism movements look like, their origin and meaning, as well as provide a criminal legal assessment of this issue. The event was delivered by staff of ASU: Mr. A. Baygushkin (PhD in Law, our Rector's Assistant in National Security); Prof. L. Baeva (D.Sc. in Philosophy, Dean of our Department of Social Communications); Dr. O. Korzhikov (PhD in Sociology, an Associate Professor of our Chair of Criminal Law). The three speakers told about the symbols of various movements and organizations, as well as about the history of those symbols and types of present-day extremism organizations.

Семинар для сотрудников УФСИН

Staff members of the Federal Penitentiary Service who initiated this event obtained topical information, which is of real practical value for them: understanding the meaning of convicts' tattoos is essential nowadays.

Семинар для сотрудников УФСИН

Семинар для сотрудников УФСИН

Russian original information and photo source: the Official Web Resources Support Directorate of ASU

Translated by E.I. Glinchevskiy (REC “Caspian Higher School of Interpreting & Translation” of ASU)