Students of ASU Win Regional Stage of Federal Dictation in French

Students of ASU Win Regional Stage of Federal Dictation in French

Students of Astrakhan State University have taken all the prizes at the regional stage of the federal competition for students “2018 Dictation in French” held at our University under the aegis of the French Embassy and the Institute of France in Russia.

43 students from our University and Astrakhan State Technical University took part in the competition. The regional stage was won by a student of our Department of Philology & Journalism (supervised by Dr. Elena Kuznetsova); the 1st runner-up is a student of our Department of Social Communications (supervised by Dr. Irina Bogomolova); the 2nd runner-up is a student of our Biological Department (supervised by Dr. Yulia Chudinova).

Many thanks to all the students for their participation in the competition. Special thanks to the Chair of Romanic Philology of ASU for their organization of this remarkable event.

Now one of our students is to take part in the federal stage of the dictation at the Embassy of France in Moscow. Once the federal stage is complete, the best students will get a splendid chance to cover a free language training program in France in July 2018. Good luck!

Russian original information and photo source: the Institute of Language & Communicative Business Strategies of ASU

Translated by E.I. Glinchevskiy (REC “Caspian Higher School of Interpreting & Translation” of ASU)