Seminar in Aquaculture Held at ASU

Seminar in Aquaculture Held at ASU

The Sturgeon Breeding Research & Educational Center has held an applied research seminar with international participation. The seminar concerned issues of aquaculture of sturgeons.

The event has been delivered as a training course in modern biotechnologies of sturgeon’s aquaculture; each participant was issued a certificate of professional retraining.

The seminar united over 30 people from 23 cities – Southern and Central Russia, Western and Eastern Siberia, as well as Kazakhstan and Egypt. The event participants works with fishery facilities and research institutions. Since Astrakhan Region in general and researchers of our Sturgeon Breeding Research & Educational Center in particular are recognized experts in aquaculture of sturgeons, such a wide geography of the event participants is quite explainable.

В АГУ состоялся семинар по вопросам аквакультуры

The lectures were delivered by applying interactive techniques; the hands-on training was delivered as excursions and master classes at our experimental facility in the village of Ikryanoe not far from Astrakhan. The instructors were staff members of ASU, people of the Caspian Fisheries Research Institute, and fish breeding companies.

At the end of the training course, there was a roundtable. All the participants wished such seminars and webinars were held on a regular basis, which would involve regions that are remote from Astrakhan in discussion of sturgeon aquaculture issues more closely.

В АГУ состоялся семинар по вопросам аквакультуры

Russian original information and photo source: the Sturgeon Breeding Research & Educational Center of ASU

Translated by E.I. Glinchevskiy (REC “Caspian Higher School of Interpreting & Translation” of ASU)