ASU Meets Its Prospective Students

ASU Meets Its Prospective Students

The Week of Open Doors just began at Astrakhan State University.

Our Departments that make up our Innovative Institute of Natural Sciences (the Biological Department, the Chemical Department, the Department of Geology & Geography, and the Department of Agribusiness, Technologies, & Veterinary Medicine) were the first to meet our prospective students and their parents.

Professor Vladimir Pilipenko, Director of the Institute, opened the event: “We provide fundamental knowledge, which our students can apply in practice while they’re training at key enterprises of our Region, as well as at foreign companies. Studies at ASU are not limited to just one specialty: you may choose an extra specialization of a wide range of specialties our University offers you. I’d point out that studies of foreign languages are of top priority at ASU”. Prof. Pilipenko also emphasized real opportunities to continue studies by joining a master program, which does not have to coincide with the previously covered bachelor program. As for employment, according to Prof. Pilipenko, graduates of ASU are demanded both in our Region and outside it.

АГУ встречает абитуриентов

The Deans of the Departments told their young audience about various practical training programs, including training abroad; they also told about our students’ career opportunities (anyone can start working since their 3rd year of studies) and about advantages of studying at ASU if compared with other educational institutions of Astrakhan. The Deans remarked that formation of leadership qualities and teamwork skills is of special importance for our educational process.

АГУ встречает абитуриентов

Among the visitors, there were graduates of our University and their children, who are our prospective students. Our alumni reflected the years when they were students of ASU; they gave an excellent feedback about the quality of education at ASU.

АГУ встречает абитуриентов

The meeting was accompanied with the Festival of the Astrakhan Regional School Geographical Society and the Fair “City of Professionals”. Our prospective students and their parents, who will come to our Week of Open Doors, can meet Directors of Institutes, Deans, Heads of Chairs, and key professors of ASU. The event agenda includes informing our guests of available specialties and specializations, terms of studies, extracurricular activities, etc. A traditional constituent of the meetings is Q & A sessions. The event organizers also promise a good entertaining program. Welcome to our Week of Open Doors!

АГУ встречает абитуриентов

АГУ встречает абитуриентов

Translated by E.I. Glinchevskiy (REC “Caspian Higher School of Interpreting & Translation” of ASU)