Topical Issues of Education under Consideration at ASU

Topical Issues of Education under Consideration at ASU

The national scientific conference “3rd Dmitry Readings” dedicated to the centenary of establishment of the first university in Astrakhan is to take place next week.

The theme of the discussion is “Education as a Factor of Sustainable Social Development: Traditions, Succession, and Prospects”. The event co-organizers are Astrakhan State University, the Astrakhan Eparchy of the Russian Orthodox Church, and the Astrakhan Branch of the Imperial Orthodox Palestine Society. Our Historical Department and our Department of Social Communications are responsible for this conference.

According to the organizing committee, the mission of the conference is to consider issues of education, which is a crucial factor of sustainable development of any society, as well as attract attention to topical issues of education in our country. Consideration of regional educational practices will make it possible for young researchers and public figures to discuss the set issues together.

The conference agenda includes a wide range of research activities; it offers the following sessions:

Research Heritage of Professor Alexei Dmitrievsky, Correspondent Member of Russian Academy of Sciences;

  • Development of Education in Lower Volga Region;
  • History of University Education in Astrakhan;
  • History & Culture of Astrakhan Region: Studying, Preserving, and Reviving;
  • Topical Issues of Regional Education Development;
  • History & Topical Issues of Studies of Imperial Orthodox Palestine Society.

The range of the conference participants includes researchers from a number of Russian regions, university professors, experts in regional culture and history, religious and public figures, and students.

The event organizers are certain that this event will contribute to studies of the research heritage of Prof. Dmitrievsky, who was born in Astrakhan Region; it will also encourage further consideration of regional education in general and university education in particular, which will definitely make this conference a key event for Astrakhan Region’s education and science.

The conference will take place on April 19, 2018 at the Assembly Hall of Astrakhan State University.

Russian original information and photo source: the Directorate of Information Policy of ASU

Translated by E.I. Glinchevskiy (REC “Caspian Higher School of Interpreting & Translation” of ASU)