Behavior in Social Networks Discussed at ASU

Behavior in Social Networks Discussed at ASU

The training seminar “Models of Behavior in Social Networks” was held on April 24 at Astrakhan State University.

The seminar, which was arranged by our Chair of Conflict Studies & Organizational Psychology, has already become a good tradition. Its main goal is to form skills of protective behavior in social networks, as well as counteraction to young people’s recruitment to extremist and terrorist organizations. Our students were suggested various forms of hands-on tasks. The seminar agenda implied not just learning new information about terrorism, but also formation of practical skills and abilities to detect a threat, development of resistance and psychological protection from influence exerted in social networks.

Prof. Boris Kaygorodov, Dean of our Department of Psychology, moderated a group discussion with our students. Its theme was “How Do You Understand You’re Manipulated in Social Networks?” He offered acute themes for our students to consider; he also moderated discussion of signs and consequences of extremism, as well as methods that extremists apply to recruit young people.

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Dr. Yulia Kuznetsova, Head of our Chair of Conflict Studies & Organizational Psychology, gave an especially interesting report. She handled a team game with our students; the game aimed to develop skills of detecting verbal influence in social networks. She considered the types and mechanisms of influence in details, as well as techniques and methods of direct and indirect suggestion. The game winners received prizes.

Dr. Svetlana Taysaeva, an Associate Professor of the same Chair, continued practical work with our students. She diagnosed them to identify the right types and techniques of psychological protection in social networks.

All the students appreciated the necessity of such events; they demonstrated a high interest in the set issues.

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Russian original information and photo source: the Department of Psychology of ASU

Translated by E.I. Glinchevskiy (REC “Caspian Higher School of Interpreting & Translation” of ASU)