President of Global Alumni Alliance Russian-University Meets Foreign Students of ASU

President of Global Alumni Alliance Russian-University Meets Foreign Students of ASU

A talk with reps of the Astrakhan office of the Association of Foreign Students took place as part of the project “Russian University Alumni”. Its participants could ask their questions and tell about their vision of the student community development prospects.

The delegation of the Global Alumni Alliance Russian-University arrived at Astrakhan State University to deliver a seminar for our students and professors. Prior to the main event, its Head Mr. Vladimir Chetiy talked with foreign students of ASU. He told them how important it is to keep in touch with their ex-colleagues. Any graduate becomes a specialist in this or that field; many alumni make a successful career. A well-established network of contacts helps bring joint plans into reality, assist each other, and keep in touch with one’s alma mater. It is especially important for foreign students, as their interaction is of international character. “International and intercultural links are crucial. You become ambassadors of peace and friendship”, he said.

Президент Всемирной ассоциации выпускников встретился в АГУ с иностранными студентами

The student communities that unite present-day students from other countries are of great value. Reps of those communities came to this talk. Our University has been hosting various associations of foreign students for a long time; their goal is to help foreigners who come to study at ASU. Mr. Chetiy remarked: “There are very good conditions for foreign students to get used to studying at ASU; that’s why we’re delivering our seminar here”.

Президент Всемирной ассоциации выпускников встретился в АГУ с иностранными студентами

Mr. Ali Kobeyssi, Deputy Chairperson of the Coordination Council of the Global Alumni Alliance Russian-University, told about activities that Lebanese ex-students perform in their home country after graduating from a Russian university. In 2009-2016, he headed the Association of Lebanese Graduates of Russian Universities, which is the largest and the best-organized alumni association in the Middle East. He also determined one of the main goals of the Global Alumni Alliance Russian-University – to get in touch with parents of future students. It is alumni who have complete and true information related to the universities where they studied. Ex-students of Russian universities could advise their countrypeople at which university it is better for them to study.

Президент Всемирной ассоциации выпускников встретился в АГУ с иностранными студентами

Students of ASU shared their ideas with the guests. Their plans concerned not just being united into a university association within ASU, but also their further work, e.g. to get in touch with associations of other educational institutions. Mr. Chetiy promised to help them and suggested arranging a video bridge at ASU to link our foreign students with their peers studying at the Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia in Moscow.

Президент Всемирной ассоциации выпускников встретился в АГУ с иностранными студентами

Президент Всемирной ассоциации выпускников встретился в АГУ с иностранными студентами

Президент Всемирной ассоциации выпускников встретился в АГУ с иностранными студентами

Президент Всемирной ассоциации выпускников встретился в АГУ с иностранными студентами

Russian original information and photo source: the Directorate of Information Policy of ASU

Translated by E.I. Glinchevskiy (REC “Caspian Higher School of Interpreting & Translation” of ASU)