People of ASU Take Part in International Conference Related to Landscapes

People of ASU Take Part in International Conference Related to Landscapes

Students of the Department of Geology & Geography of Astrakhan State University, as well as reps of the Voronezh and Astrakhan Branches of the Russian Geographical Society, have taken part in the 13th International Landscape Conference “Current State of Landscapes & Ecology; Issues of Regions’ Natural Environments Optimization”. The event has taken place in Voronezh.

The conference involved representatives of the key landscape schools of Russia and nearby countries. They discussed theoretical and methodological issues of landscape research, as well as landscape structural dynamic organization and transformation, the current state of landscapes and ecology in the natural environment of Russian regions, and issues of optimization, rational organization, and sustainable development of landscapes.

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The event agenda included the plenary session and section meetings concerning particular issues. Our students gave their reports in the section “Modern Methods of Landscape Research”. They also took part in the special section of the International Association for Landscape Ecology “IALE – Russia”.

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Russian original information and photo source: the Department of Geology & Geography of ASU

Translated by E.I. Glinchevskiy (REC “Caspian Higher School of Interpreting & Translation” of ASU)