Rep of Russian Central Bank Talks about Monetary Policy

Rep of Russian Central Bank Talks about Monetary Policy

Over the last several years, the Department of World Economy & Management of Astrakhan State University has been in close cooperation with the Astrakhan Office of the Southern Main Directorate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. Thanks to this cooperation, our students listen to lectures by specialists in the field of finances, complete practical training programs, and find a job at financial organizations and institutions.

As part of this strategic partnership, a meeting with Ms. Valentina Grechkina, who heads the sector of consolidated and strategic work at the Astrakhan Office of the Central Bank, took place at ASU. As a qualified and experienced specialist in economic security, she told our students about the main trends of the monetary policy; she explained the goals that the Central Bank sets itself in the short-term and long-term run. In her lecture, she also emphasized the Central Bank’s activities aiming to reduce the expected inflation rate in Russia.

Представитель Центробанка рассказала о направлениях денежно-кредитной политики

The lecturer set an experiment among our students; the experiment demonstrated how high an expected inflation rate might rise even within a small group of population.

The given lecture was very interesting and informative for our students. Such meetings help the future specialists get a more profound knowledge of the state financial policy. They also form rational expectations that help make the right long-term decisions afterwards.

Russian original information source: the Department of World Economy & Management of ASU

Russian original information source: the TV Media Center of ASU

Translated by E.I. Glinchevskiy (REC “Caspian Higher School of Interpreting & Translation” of ASU)