Experts Discuss Preservation of Teenagers’ Psychological Health at ASU

Experts Discuss Preservation of Teenagers’ Psychological Health at ASU

The regional scientific conference “Psychological Service of Secondary School: Reality & Prospects” has been held at Astrakhan State University. The event involved psychologists, pedagogues, social workers, and students.

The Plenary Session in the assembly hall of ASU united specialists whose work is to take care of the younger generation. The participants’ reports identified problems of present-day children and suggested solutions to them. The world is speeding up; new technologies are developing rapidly. Owing to such a swift life rhythm and a rapid flow of information, the problem of preservation of kids’ psychological health becomes acute. Resolution of this problem requires active participation of not only parents, but also pedagogues, educators, and school psychologists. The goal of the conference is to help such specialists share their ideas and identify ways of further cooperation.

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Not only people of Astrakhan, but also their colleagues from other cities gave their reports. Professor Yuri Tsagarelli from Kazan participated in the event actively. He is well-known in the scientific community and renowned for his R&D. He invented a unique device, whose hardware and software provide systematic psychological diagnostics and development of psychological functions.

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Prof. Tsagarelli told about the theory and algorithms of systemic professional orientation. At one of the conference sections, he also presented a report related to the Internet and media resources as sources of destructive impact exerted upon children.

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The second part of the event took place at the Territory of Writing & Thinking of ASU, where four sites worked. Professors of ASU and invited experts concerned topical issues related to work with adolescents with deviant behavior, psychological security during the educational process, and assistance to students of senior classes in their choice of a future profession. Practicing psychologists and specialists of Astrakhan’s juvenile rehabilitation centers gave their reports on the four sites and shared their experience.

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Russian original information and photo source: the Directorate of Information Policy of ASU

Translated by E.I. Glinchevskiy (REC “Caspian Higher School of Interpreting & Translation” of ASU)