Developers of ASU Bring a Digital Farmer to Agricultural Fields

Developers of ASU Bring a Digital Farmer to Agricultural Fields

Mr. Alexander Schekin, who represents the Kilinchi Gardens as one of the parties who signed the recent agreement (the other party is Astrakhan State University), got interested in innovations that were mentioned at the social signing ceremony; he invited people of ASU to test their developments in practice at the facility that he directs.

The farmer asked to provide a monitoring of the Kilinchi Gardens by arranging an aerial survey. This technique is used in our project “Digital Farmer”. It is also possible to survey in the IR mode or by applying a system of sensors to assess the state of soil and the humidity level. As for application of a drone, it can help assess the young plants and find out where exactly additional work is required. Monitoring is carried out in the real-time mode; videos are saved and may be shown to experts or business partners afterwards.

Разработчики АГУ выпустили на поля цифрового фермера

On May 31, the weather favored the planned experiment; the drone flew over all the gardens and provided the required data successfully. Mr. Alexander Koshkarov, a researcher of ASU and the author of the project “Digital Farmer”, operated the device, whereas Mr. Schekin determined where exactly the monitoring should take place.

Разработчики АГУ выпустили на поля цифрового фермера


Разработчики АГУ выпустили на поля цифрового фермера


Разработчики АГУ выпустили на поля цифрового фермера


Разработчики АГУ выпустили на поля цифрового фермера



Russian original information and photo source: the Directorate of Information Policy of ASU

Translated by E.I. Glinchevskiy (REC “Caspian Higher School of Interpreting & Translation” of ASU)