Philosophers of ASU Win Grant to Hold a Scientific Conference

Philosophers of ASU Win Grant to Hold a Scientific Conference

Professors of the Department of Social Communications of ASU have won a grant provided by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research to arrange and hold the National Scientific Conference “Practical Philosophy: from Classics to Information Society”.

The event will take place at ASU on Sept. 27-28, 2018. The tasks set for the conference include involvement of specialists in consideration of urgent practice-oriented philosophical, social, and humanitarian issues of the present-day society: prospects of digital world development, conscience and cognition issues, electronic culture and artificial intelligence, ethical and social humanitarian expertise of science, dynamics of globalization, ecological and cultural safety, management and innovations, philosophy of leadership and education, media philosophy, language philosophy, etc. Much attention will be paid to researching and assessing high-risk tendencies of social development, as well as forecasting mechanisms, which might prevent crises that menace human safety in the global and existential aspects.

Since 2014, Astrakhan State University has been a site for innovations in teaching Philosophy by applying techniques of teamwork, gathering large groups of students, visualization, and gamification. The conference also aims to search for new forms of teaching Philosophy and share the best practices to enhance the quality of the present-day education in Philosophy.

The web resource of the upcoming event is

Russian original information source: the Department of Social Communications of ASU

Translated by E.I. Glinchevskiy (REC “Caspian Higher School of Interpreting & Translation” of ASU)