Almost 1, 400 Students to Graduate from ASU Very Soon

Almost 1, 400 Students to Graduate from ASU Very Soon

The time of the State Final Certification has come. Now our undergraduate students are preparing for upcoming final exams and diploma projects defenses; some of them have already taken their final examinations.

Almost 1, 400 students are to graduate from Astrakhan State University this year. Several Departments lead in the number of their graduates. The 1st place is held by the Department of Foreign Languages, which currently has eight bachelor programs and two master ones. The 2nd place is occupied by the Law Department. It has two master and four bachelor programs. The 3rd place is held by the Department of Pedagogics & Social Work, which has five master and five bachelor programs.

As for particular specialties, there is a slight different proportion. However, the Law Department is the leader. Almost 50 people are going to complete the program “Law Science”. This program also leads in the duration of final exams: they started earlier than in all the other specialties. The 2nd place is occupied by the Historical Department. 45 people are about to complete the program “History”. The 3rd position is assumed by the Department of Business & Economy, whose most popular specialty is “Public Administration”.

Russian original information source: the Directorate of Information Policy of ASU

Translated by E.I. Glinchevskiy (REC “Caspian Higher School of Interpreting & Translation” of ASU)