Students of ASU to Present Their Projects at Caspian Media Forum

Students of ASU to Present Their Projects at Caspian Media Forum

Mr. Alexander Alymov, Counselor of Governor of Astrakhan Region, told our future philologists, journalists, and lawyers about the upcoming large-scale forum.

The Caspian Media Forum, which is to take place in Sept. 2018, aims to unite the media community of five countries: Azerbaijan, Iran, Kazakhstan, Russia, and Turkmenia. This event helps set up an international dialogue and provide sites for people of the five countries at the Caspian Sea to interact.

Студенты АГУ могут представить свои проекты на Каспийском медиафоруме

During this forum, its participants will be given lectures by specialists of international level; they will learn about new media projects and visit a number of sites. This year, Astrakhan State University may become of those sites to host the forum. Our students had a good chance to prepare their projects and present them to experts and potential consumers. Let us note that not only Mr. Alexander Zhilkin (Governor of Astrakhan Region) pays special attention to this media forum, but also the Federal Government represented by Ms. Alexey Volin, Deputy Minister of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation, who visited ASU not long ago and met our students.

Студенты АГУ могут представить свои проекты на Каспийском медиафоруме

It was Mr. Volin who came up with an idea to have student projects presented at the Media Forum. Our future media specialists were suggested to develop an idea of a video, a plot, or a series of articles or photos in close cooperation with a major company of Astrakhan. Thus, the young people could contribute to promotion of Astrakhan Region and attraction of investments. Ms. Alymov pointed out that our students’ ideas should aim to not only attract funds, but also promote the prestige of our home region. Astrakhan is developing now rapidly; it provides a number of opportunities to come up with a PR idea and demonstrate one’s abilities. Now this project is being developed; many major business companies of Astrakhan Region already expressed their wish to cooperate with students of ASU in this sphere.

Студенты АГУ могут представить свои проекты на Каспийском медиафоруме

Russian original information and photo source: the Directorate of Information Policy of ASU

Translated by E.I. Glinchevskiy (REC “Caspian Higher School of Interpreting & Translation” of ASU)