Bachelors of ASU Invited to Work Right after Diploma Projects Defense

Bachelors of ASU Invited to Work Right after Diploma Projects Defense

17 graduates have defended their projects successfully at the Department of Philology & Journalism of Astrakhan State University.

The future specialists in the field of media researched important and urgent issues. They presented their projects that concern operation of national media in a multiethnic region, mass media promotion of public associations, specific media reflection of the tourism and excursion theme in the Caspian Sea Region, media positioning of Astrakhan Region, etc.

Every year practicing journalists take part in the final attestation of our graduates. The State Final Certification of bachelor projects took place in close interaction with management of Astrakhan Region’s major mass media. Local journalists already know many students of ASU personally, as our young people cover annual practical training programs by working with regional print and electronic media, as well as with press services of regional ministries, directorates, etc.

Бакалавров Астраханского госуниверситета пригласили на работу сразу после защиты дипломов

Mr. Alexey Nechaev, General Manager of the Caspy Publishing House and Chairman of the Astrakhan Regional Office of the Russian Union of Journalists, has highly appreciated the level of the research that our young journalists have conducted. Many themes concerned the regional aspect of press operation. He says that he is sure that thanks to today’s young journalists, the media space of Astrakhan Region will be improved significantly.

Бакалавров Астраханского госуниверситета пригласили на работу сразу после защиты дипломов

According to Ms. Stella Zvereva, Director of the Lotos TV & Radio Broadcasting Company, staff of her company includes the best alumni of the Department of Philology & Journalism of ASU. She pointed out that splendid prospects await many today’s graduates as well. The media representatives pointed out that they are interested in young specialists and invited our graduates to work with them.

Russian original information and photo source: the Department of Philology & Journalism of ASU

Translated by E.I. Glinchevskiy (REC “Caspian Higher School of Interpreting & Translation” of ASU)