Our Acting Rector Suggests Uniting Activities of Astrakhan Region’s Educational Institutions on the Base of ASU

Our Acting Rector Suggests Uniting Activities of Astrakhan Region’s Educational Institutions on the Base of ASU

The Ministry of Education and Science of Astrakhan Region and Astrakhan State University have signed an official agreement of cooperation. The signing ceremony has taken place today at the meeting of the Ministry College; Mr. Konstantin Markelov has presented the main areas of our University’s strategic development.

The signed agreement provides new prospects to develop the research and educational sector. Mr. Vitaliy Gutman, Regional Minister of Education & Science, remarked: “There is a huge space for dialogue and cooperation. We are prepared for that; we appeal to universities to join us; we are glad that Astrakhan State University will be our partner”.

In his turn, Mr. Markelov presented the main vectors of our University’s activities and potential areas of further cooperation. Now there is a distinct program of activities that was presented to Mr. Alexander Zhilkin, Governor of Astrakhan Region, not long ago and approved by him. The main task is to become the base university for our region and, dwelling upon its development strategies, train the right specialists. Our research activities ought to meet our region’s needs as well. In close cooperation with regional authorities, business community, and other educational institutions, it is possible to carry out the policy to meet the real needs of Astrakhan Region.

Константин Маркелов предложил объединить работу образовательных учреждений региона на базе АГУ

Activities to train qualified specialists ought to start right at secondary schools. To make university graduates demanded and help them make a good career, it is necessary to train them already when they are just 10 to 12. A child should receive all the necessary information related to various professions and have a chance to follow the chosen life path. According to Mr. Markelov, ASU delivers several educational programs for kids already now – our schools of archaeology, robotics, journalism, etc. We are planning to launch an Academy for Children. In general, as he remarks, ASU is ready to become a base for regional school contests; our University has profound experience in this field.

Константин Маркелов предложил объединить работу образовательных учреждений региона на базе АГУ

Another step to train qualified personnel was the launch of a program of general engineering education for students who master technical specialties. Our University has the necessary human and material resources; it is able to provide its students with hands-on experience in welding, assembly of mechanisms, and reading drawings.

As for our international activities, establishment of the Center of Humanitarian Cooperation for representatives of the countries at the Caspian Sea has been initiated. This project has been approved by the Official Representative of the Russian President in Southern Russia, by the Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs, by the Federal Parliament, and by the Regional Government. We have agreed to open offices of this Center in other countries. In particular, Azerbaijan is planning to open an office in its capital city (Baku) next year.

Константин Маркелов предложил объединить работу образовательных учреждений региона на базе АГУ

In general, as Mr. Markelov pointed out, there are numerous fields of joint activities: “We are going to do serious and regular work. We are setting up project teams in many areas; we’d like to see reps of the Regional Ministry of Education & Science, universities, colleges, and secondary schools as their members. That’s why we initiated the signing of this agreement; we’re ready to develop the research and educational base of Astrakhan Region”.

Константин Маркелов предложил объединить работу образовательных учреждений региона на базе АГУ

Russian original information and photo source: the Directorate of Information Policy of ASU

Translated by E.I. Glinchevskiy (REC “Caspian Higher School of Interpreting & Translation” of ASU)