ASU Takes Another Step to Hungary

ASU Takes Another Step to Hungary

Anna Nazarova, the Head of the Volunteering Centre of Astrakhan State University, Participated in EuroSkills 2018.

In August 2019, Kazan will host WorldSkills 2019, in international competition on professional mastery. Last year, the ASU volunteering centre «New Step» was qualified for becoming an official resource centre of the championship. The centre members and activists ran an information campaign in our region for 9 months, and, as a result, the Directorate for Sports and Social Projects of Kazan, acting as the organizing committee, gave them an opportunity to participate in the EuroSkills Budapest 2018 championship.

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Anna says that she worked in a SWAT-Team that was involved as and when necessary in any site where someone needs help. Firstly, it was a hotel where delegations were checked in: volunteers worked at the reception, handed in accreditation documents, explained the city transport system to the guests and so on.

«It was not that easy,» Anna says, «we spoke only English and got extremely tired by evening. At the same time, it was very interesting because delegates and experts came from different countries, so it was an active cultural exchange».

After the competitions started, the participant from Astrakhan got a new task: she was in charge of the WorldSkills 2019 stand and gave tours around the site for Russian-speaking guests — delegations from Belarus, Kazakhstan and Russia.

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New Step Volunteer Center