ASU Convince Pupils that #It’sBrighterTogether

ASU Convince Pupils that #It’sBrighterTogether

On October 12, the Energy Conservation and Efficiency Demonstration Hall of Astrakhan State University hosted an event within the All-Russian Festival of Energy Conservation #It’sBrighterTogether, attended by students of Astrakhan educational institutions.

The festival has been held since 2016 with the support of the RF Ministry of Energy, RF Ministry of Education and Science, Federal Youth Agency, Russian Movement of Pupils and State Corporation «Housing and Utility Reform Foundation». It is opened for participation of federal, regional and municipal authorities, companies, social and educational organizations.

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The pupils had an opportunity to attend a master class on solar energy. The meeting resulted in signing a declaration on energy resources management and personal contribution to the Russian economic growth.

The participants learnt about alternative sources of energy and introduction of promising energy saving facilities and renewable energy sources technologies.

Research & Educational Centre «Alternative Energy»

Faculty of Physics & Technology