First Event of the Caspian Fashion Week Being Held at ASU

First Event of the Caspian Fashion Week Being Held at ASU

Astrakhan State University hosted a Skype lecture by Giovanni Ottonello, the Art Director of the European Institute of Design, for students of different majors and invited experts. A fashion industry expert told the audience how to find their own style and the path to success in the world of design.

The expert has already given a virtual class at ASU. This time, the event served the first stage of the Caspian Fashion Week. It should be recalled that Astrakhan State University has signed an agreement on cooperation with the organizing committee of the most remarkable event for the Astrakhan fashion world.

The lecture was attended by students and teachers of the Faculty of Foreign Languages, Faculty of Architecture & Design and Faculty of Philology & Journalism. It also involved numerous guests of the Caspian Fashion Week. Making his point very graphically, Giovanni Ottonello spoke about niceties of creating fashionable styles and new ideas that will become trends one day. The expert enumerated the main tendencies a successful designer should follow.

«The first task of a designer is to define his/her target audience,» the speaker stressed. «It is impossible to create a collection having no idea who you are working for.»

The second crucial thing, according to Giovanni Ottonello, is using universal codes that are recognized by people all over the world. Finally, the third pillar of successful design is aesthetics. However, the speaker stressed that the answer to the question «What is beauty?» is not the same in different nations and cultures.

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