Aleksey Lysenkov Marked Out the Main Quality of Journalist at ASU

Aleksey Lysenkov Marked Out the Main Quality of Journalist at ASU

Aleksey Lysenkov, a famous journalist, TV host and producer, met with students of Astrakhan State University and discussed tendencies in the modern media and professional skills of a future media expert.

The TV host told the audience how he started his career and what areas he worked in during different periods of his life. Many people know him thanks to the TV programme «Videotaping Amateurs», though he has a wide experience of participating in different media projects.

Even the programme «Videotaping Amateurs» is valuable not only because of its funny videos but also because of people that come from every corner of the globe and share interesting episodes of their life.

He also advised the students of the Faculty of Philology & Journalism to start their professional path on the radio: this very place, where there is only a newscaster, a mic and the audience, reveals young professional’s strengths and weaknesses.

While answering numerous questions of the audience, the guest also touched upon the issues of Internet media, freedom of speech and the future of television that is seen by Aleksey Lysenkov as quite positive. As cinematography did not replace theatre or photography did not put an end to painting, Internet will never replace television but find new symbiotic forms of information transfer.

Directorate of Information Policy