«Student of the Year — 2018» at ASU: Journalists Learn About Details of the Final

«Student of the Year — 2018» at ASU: Journalists Learn About Details of the Final

Astrakhan State University held a press conference, dedicated to the upcoming All-Russia stage of the Russian national award for professional educational institutions that will take place in Astrakhan.

The answers to the journalists’ questions were given by Konstantin Markelov, the ASU Acting Rector, Irina Karikh, the Award Director, and Inna Golobokova, the Head of the Astrakhan regional organization «Russian Union of Youth».

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The main student event of this month will take place on November 7-10. Astrakhan State University is one of its organizers and a venue of a great part of the award events. Now participants are arriving at ASU, and the first delegation has come from Tatarstan. The award will gather a total of more than 200 students of colleges and technical schools from across the country.

At the press conference, Konstantin Markelov stressed the importance of the award «Student of the Year» both for its participants and for development of youth initiatives in general.

The journalists mainly asked about organizational issues and key events of the award. By the way, Irina Karikh made a specific mention of the ASU volunteers and expressed her gratitude to the university administration. Our students’ help allowed to prepare for the award quickly and efficiently.

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