Astrakhan State University Presents a Textbook on Geological Practical Training

Astrakhan State University Presents a Textbook on Geological Practical Training

The ASU Innovative Institute of Natural Sciences presented a student textbook «Academic In-Field Training», prepared by Iliya Golovachev and Andrey Serebryakov, teachers of the Department of Wellsite Geology, Hydrogeology & Geochemistry of Combustible Fossils.

Iliya Golovachev, an ASU Associate Professor and the Academic Secretary of the Astrakhan Branch of the Russian Geographical Society, told the students, teachers and members of the RGS Youth Club about organization and aims of such practical training. Besides, he touched upon the issue of the geology of the Bogdo-Baskunchak Nature Reserve training area, history of its formation and examination. The researcher dwelt upon geological processes which form the area relief, tectonics, lithology, mineral resources, groundwater and environment protection.

The researchers also presented special training routes, developed for observation and studies of different geological processes and phenomena, and gave recommendations on drafting a practical training report.

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Department of Geology & Geography