The First Astrakhan Meeting of Volunteers Is Held at ASU

The First Astrakhan Meeting of Volunteers Is Held at ASU

On December 5, on the International Volunteer Day, Astrakhan State University gathered the most sympathetic, active and warm-hearted people — more than 150 students and pupils of Astrakhan educational institutions. Without expecting anything in return, they help those who have fallen into difficult life situations.

The event, organized by the Youth Department of the Astrakhan Eparchy under the support of ASU, took place under the motto “Volunteering: Let’s Make the World Happier!”. It involved representatives of Astrakhan volunteer unions, as well as students and pupils who are interested in youth volunteering.

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Konstantin Markelov, the ASU Acting Rector, welcomed the participants at the plenary session: “Today is the Day of those who help people on their own free will. Volunteering in one of the noblest and most respected movements both in Russia and worldwide. I’m glad to see that not only adults but also pupils do good deeds. From a young age they see life and treat everything differently. It helps young people develop and grow up both morally and professionally. We are grateful to those volunteers who participate in implementation of major projects at ASU and in the region.”

After the plenary session, the volunteers formed two groups. The first group consisted of acting volunteers and heads of volunteer organizations. In their conversation with Priest Vitaly Semenov, the session moderator, they talked of difficulties they face in volunteering and received valuable recommendations from the experts on solving similar problems.

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The second group united pupils and students who are interested in volunteering and have the desire to help other people. Aleksandr Zasorin, the Head of the social care organization «Force of Good», told the young audience about activities of his institution.

It should be recalled that, by the Order of RF President Vladimir Putin, the year of 2018 is declared the Year of Volunteer.

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