Southern Federal District Trade Union Activists Will Learn Everything about Scholarship at ASU

Southern Federal District Trade Union Activists Will Learn Everything about Scholarship at ASU

Delegations from 15 universities of the Sothern Federal District took part in a district phase of the All-Russia school-seminar "Legislative Aspects and Practice of Scholarship Support of Students Studying at Higher Education Institutions "STIPCOM — 2018", held in Astrakhan State University.

The district phase was organized by Astrakhan State University, the Astrakhan Regional Trade Union of Employees in Education and Science of the Russian Federation, the ASU Trade Union and the Student’s Coordination Council of the Southern Federal District of the All-Russia Union of Education.

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Despite the seriousness of the seminar topic, the participants were very positive and full of creative energy at the opening ceremony. After a flash mob dance, an official part of the event began and the school-seminar organizers and experts wished students every success. Konstantin Markelov, the Acting Rector of Astrakhan State University, congratulated the participants on the beginning of the intensive training course and underlined an important role of trade union activists in the life of every university.

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The speakers and audience kicked start to the "STIPCOM" event, and then activist teams headed for the first lesson. Ekaterina Sidorenko, the Head of the Youth Policy Department of the Krasnoyarsk Administration, gave students an introductory lecture about federal laws on education of the Russian Federation. The programme also includes lectures of the leading experts, dialogue platforms as well as the analysis of scholarship support in higher educational institutions of the Southern Federal District in 2018.

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