ASU Experts Discuss Scientific Issues with Regional Doctors

ASU Experts Discuss Scientific Issues with Regional Doctors

Astrakhan State University is holding a seminar on modern methods for studying multicomponent solid-phase media, organized by the ASU Scientific and Educational Centre for Functional Magnetic Materials.

On December 6, the seminar opening ceremony was held at the new university building. Denis Merkulov, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences and the Head of the Joint Laboratory of Condensed-Matter Physics and of New Methods in Material Science by Astrakhan State University & by Institute of Solid State Physics of Russian Academy of Sciences, welcomed his colleagues at the opening ceremony. Adilya Ayupova, Candidate of Medical Sciences and a senior researcher of the laboratory, also congratulated the participants on the beginning of the seminar.

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Apart from ASU staff and students, the meeting was attended by representatives of the Astrakhan State Medical University which the Centre has been cooperating with in various projects for more than eight years. It should be noted that ASMU researchers are also medical practitioners.

The topics of the two-day scientific intensive course are at the point of convergence of several fields: physics, biophysics, medicine and material science. The Centre researchers note that the study field is important for a wide range of medicine activities, but mainly for obstetrics, gynecology and phthisiology.

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