ASU Researchers Receive a Prestigious National Award

ASU Researchers Receive a Prestigious National Award

The State Kremlin Palace in Moscow saw an awarding ceremony of the Russian Geographical Society. A joint project, developed, among others, by representatives of Astrakhan State University, was also qualified for the final.

The Russian Geographical Society Award was established in 2014 in the field of geography, ecology, preservation and promotion of natural and historical-cultural heritage of Russia. It is given biennially, has an international status and is considered one of the most prestigious awards in our country. Scientists are awarded for research, outstanding expeditions, as well as for innovative educational ideas.

The awarding ceremony traditionally takes place in the State Kremlin Palace. This year, the ceremony was hosted by Andrey Konchalovsky, a Russian film director, and attended by RF President Vladimir Putin, who is also the Chairman of the Russian Geographical Society Board of Trustees, and RF Defense Minister Sergey Shoygu, who is the Russian Geographical Society President.

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In the nomination "Best Educational Project in Geography", the top award was given to the project "Waterway Education and Protection: The Next Generation" of the ASU Faculty of Geology & Geography and the Bard College Center for Civic Engagement (New York, USA). The Russian university was represented by Aleksandr Barmin, the Dean of the Faculty of Geology & Geography, and Mikhail Valov, the Russian director of the project and the Head of the Russian Geographical Society Youth Club at Astrakhan State University.

The Project aims at establishing transnational partnership, based on the values of strategic management and environmental education in the area of environmental protection. The project parties shared their experience of socio-environmental activities in the USA and Russia.

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Faculty of Geology & Geography

Photo: courtesy of the award winners, Directorate of Information Policy