ASU Students Can Become Observers at Gubernatorial Elections

ASU Students Can Become Observers at Gubernatorial Elections

Representatives of the Faculty of Business & Economy of Astrakhan State University have met with Vladimir Nagornov, a speaker of the team "Youth of the Governorate". He suggested that the students join the project "Elections for Everyone" and help ensure fair and transparent voting at the upcoming September elections of the Governor and heads of the municipal entities.

The speaker talked to the ASU students about the aspects of modern elections they are not satisfied with, some difficulties in election committees’ work, the principles of their organization and the levels where the largest number of violations occur. The topic was especially close to the audience as the students take the study programme "State and Municipal Administration". The project will provide insight into the September elections procedure to the students and give them an opportunity to join the general activities on ensuring transparency of the election process.

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The educational project "Elections for Everyone" is starting today, on March 15. It was initiated by the Regional Election Committee, the public organization "Youth of the Governorate" and the Regional Agency of Youth. Astrakhan students are invited to take a training course and get respective certificates. They will listen to distinguished speakers, learn about the niceties and secrets of providing the voting procedure at polling stations. The project aims at training highly-skilled volunteers for participation in electoral campaigns of different level.

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At the ASU meeting, the representative of the "Youth of the Governorate" talked to each and every student and gave detailed recommendations on how to join the project.

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