Five New Associate Professors and Full Professor at ASU

Five New Associate Professors and Full Professor at ASU

The certificates on awarding respective scientific degrees were handed at another meeting of the ASU Academic Council.

Iskandar Azhmukhamedov, the Head of the Department of Information Security, was entitled with the degree of Full Professor in the specialty "Methods and Systems of Information Protection, Information Security". The certificates on the degree of Associate Professor were handed by ASU Acting Rector Konstantin Markelov to several university teachers — Iliya Golovachev, Olga Kamneva, Lyudmila Krivykh, Tatiana Fedorova and Dmitry Mityachkin.

However, it was not the end of the awarding part of the meeting. Certificates of honour for long years of dedication to education and high professionalism from the Ministry of Education and Science of Astrakhan region were handed to Tatiana Vostrikova, Marionella Kolokoltseva, Nadezhda Maysak, Larisa Timasheva and David Teply. Besides, Anna Voronova, an associate professor of the Department of Russia’s History, received a letter of gratitude from Karakalpak State University named after Berdakh, Uzbekistan, for mutually beneficial and fruitful cooperation and conducted master classes and lectures on archive science.

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At the end of the meeting, Farida Rekesheva, the Vice Rector for Extracurricular & Social Activities, presented a new Chairperson of the ASU United Council of Students — a 3rd year student Pavel Gnidin, who had been elected for this position on March 20. Konstantin Markelov wished him success and expressed confidence that Pavel’s work in his new capacity would be efficient.

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