Astrakhan State University Awards Experts in Entrepreneurship History

Astrakhan State University Awards Experts in Entrepreneurship History

For the second time Astrakhan State University has become a platform for holding the all-Russian competition for students of higher and secondary vocational educational institutions. 150 representatives of Astrakhan HEIs and FEIs competed in their expertise in the history of Russian business and patronage of art.

The competition took place on March 14, and that very day the jury announced the names of the winners.

Before the awarding ceremony, Nailya Nikitina, the Chair of the Astrakhan Office of the organization «Business Russia», addressed the students and called them to move forward and keep deepening their knowledge in the history of Russian entrepreneurship. The winners of the regional stage of the competition will fight for the lead at the federal level which will be held at the MSU Historical Faculty in Moscow.

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Along with the participants, that day saw an awarding of members of the competition organizing committee — representatives of Astrakhan State University, Astrakhan State University of Architecture and Construction and the Astrakhan State United Historical & Architectural Museum and Reserve.

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