ASU Develops Partnership with Moldavian Universities

ASU Develops Partnership with Moldavian Universities

On March 24-28, 2019 a delegation of Astrakhan State University, consisting of Lyudmila Baeva, the Dean of the Faculty of Social Communications, and Mikhail Anishko, the Head of the Educational Experimental Facility "Nachalo", visited Moldova.

During their stay, the delegation held a number of meetings, aimed at preparing for cooperation with Moldavian universities, as well as career-guidance work with school students.

The delegation of Astrakhan State University visited the State Agrarian University of Moldova and met with its Rector Liviu Volconovici and vice rectors. The meeting resulted in an agreement on cooperation between the universities — the Agrarian University of Moldova already signed a graft agreement.

The ASU representatives also visited Technical University of Moldova. The colleagues talked to the Vice Rectors on Research and International Activities, visited the Faculty of Food Technology, Faculty of Computers, Informatics and Microelectronics and Tekwill technopark. As a result, the parties prepared a basis for an agreement on bilateral cooperation in the spheres of mutual interest.

Besides, the delegation paid a visit to Rossotrudnichestvo. The meeting allowed to reach an agreement on presenting Astrakhan State University on the website of the Rossotrudnichestvo office in Moldova for attracting prospective students.

On March 27, the Astrakhan delegation visited the Comrat State University, located in the Autonomous Territorial Unit of Gagauzia, and reached an agreement with the university rector on bilateral cooperation.

That day, Rossotrudnichestvo helped our delegation to hold a meeting with school leavers of three schools of Gagauzia: Lyudmila Baeva told the pupils about the benefits of enrollment at Astrakhan State University, showed films about the university and an interview of a Moldavian student studying at ASU.

The business trip resulted in a number of agreements on cooperation with Moldavian universities and laid the foundation for ASU presentation for Moldavian school students.

Faculty of Social Communications