ASU Holds Discussion on Russia-Uzbekistan Educational Cooperation

ASU Holds Discussion on Russia-Uzbekistan Educational Cooperation

Today, on April 8, Astrakhan State University is holding the Interregional Conference of Rectors of Russian and Uzbek Universities. The programme includes several sessions, a plenary meeting, a discussion on implementation of bilateral agreements in the sphere of higher education, city tours, as well as visits to regional universities.

Astrakhan State University has become a platform for one of the sessions of the interregional conference, dedicated to the top-priority areas and tasks of academic interaction between Russia and Uzbekistan. It has brought together rectors of higher educational institutions of Russia and Uzbekistan.

ASU Acting Rector Konstantin Markelov welcomed the participants and noted that the Interregional Conference of Rectors of Russian and Uzbek Universities is a logical extension of the First Forum of Interregional Cooperation between Russia and Uzbekistan, which took place in Tashkent in October 2018 and was dedicated to the discussion on promising cooperation areas.

Avazjon Marakhimov, the Rector of National University of Uzbekistan, was a moderator of the event from the foreign part of the participants. In his speech, he dwelled on advantages of such international educational interaction and issues, connected with the legal framework.

An urgent topic of an agreement on educational and scientific recognition, being prepared by our countries, was touched upon by Abdurahim Nasirov, the Head of the Directorate General for Staff Quality Control, Legalization, Recognition and Nostrification of Educational Documents of the State Inspection on Education Quality Supervision under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

ASU Vice-Rector for Academic Activities Aleksandr Treshchev told the audience about the cooperation of Astrakhan State University with Uzbek HEIs.

The conference programme also included reports on cooperation between ASU and Navoi State Pedagogical Institute, on activities on improving educational and research potential between Russian universities and Fergana State University, on basic organization of physical training and sports education in the CIS as a key element in the industrial system of staff training, on the experience of implementation of international activities of Dagestan State University, on a programme of learning Russian as a factor of development of the Russian-Uzbek humanitarian cooperation and a lot more.

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