ASU Master’s Degree Students Continue Participating in an International Terminology Project

ASU Master’s Degree Students Continue Participating in an International Terminology Project

The Caspian Higher School of Interpreting and Translation of Astrakhan State University has launched the second round of student projects on an assignment of its partner and employer — the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO).

Last year ASU students participated in the launch of WIPO Pearl development project within the framework of cooperation between ASU and WIPO. They dwelled on such fields of patent terminology as welding, electric car motors and batteries, OSI model, genetic diseases, nanosatellites, oil drilling, synthetic fabrics and obesity treatment.

In the nearest future, we are looking forward to seeing the results of ASU students’ projects published in WIPO Pearl database.

It is a real terminology assignment given by a potential employer and completed by our students. The results will be published in the database, and the whole world will see the fruits of Astrakhan students’ work. The best projects have been developed into Master’s degree theses, which is one of the WIPO working principles in cooperation with all partner universities.

It is worth mentioning that Astrakhan State University is the only university in Russia that cooperates with WIPO under such conditions. In June 2019, Julia Nikitina, a 2nd-year MA student of the Caspian Higher School of Interpreting and Translation, will present her Master’s degree thesis which is already a large project on patent terminology in the sphere of nanosatellites. The student has analyzed a great number of scientific resources to select proper terms for WIPO Pearl database.

At the moment, the 1st-year MA students have already started working on their projects; the topics have been agreed upon and the students are going to work on these projects during this semester and their T & I traineeship period. They will analyze information on the topics that WIPO term database lacks in the Russian language. The students will work with such areas as medical equipment, food processing, shipbuilding and others.

"It is a great responsibility to work on such a project and we are proud of Astrakhan State University being the only Russian university to address this need," notes an expert of the Caspian Higher School of Interpreting and Translation.

Caspian Higher School of Interpreting and Translation

Photo: Directorate of Information Policy