A Japanese Expert Commends Astrakhan State University

A Japanese Expert Commends Astrakhan State University

ASU has welcomed Kuroiwa Sachiko, a Japanese language expert of the Japan Foundation of the Embassy of Japan. The guest was shown the university, met with its employees, gave a number of master classes and talked to ASU Acting Rector Konstantin Markelov.

Sensei Kuroiwa Sachiko is a leading specialist on teaching Japanese in Russia. During her visit to ASU, she gave a master class for students, held classes with university teachers and met with elderly people who love Japan and learn Japanese at ASU.

At her meeting with Konstantin Markelov, the guest commended the university capacities. She was very impressed by ASU teachers’ enthusiasm and activism, and she noted ASU students’ strong desire for knowledge.

Kuroiwa Sachiko has considerable experience of teaching at different universities of Russia, so she can give a properly balanced assessment of Astrakhan State University — and she commends our university a lot.

Konstantin Markelov noted that ASU has a lot of examples to look up to — these are more than 80 partner universities from all over the world. Besides, current rapid development of Astrakhan region requires new human resources, new training programmes, modern educational methods. The Rector told the Japanese guest about the main plans for the nearest future. He stressed, among other things, that the existing cooperation with Japan would open up new horizons.

The parties outlined their plans on further cooperation in future and implementation of joint academic projects, aimed at promoting Japanese in Russia and developing international partnership.

Directorate of Information Policy