Astrakhan State University is Represented at European Scientific Events

Astrakhan State University is Represented at European Scientific Events

In yearly May, Prof. Yuri Tarasevich, the Head of the ASU Mathematical Modeling & ICT in Science & Education, took part in a number of important conferences.

May 1-3 saw the 44th Conference of the Middle European Cooperation in Statistical Physics, held in Germany. The 2019 Conference brought together about 100 scientists. Participating in the event, Yuri Tarasevich presented two research papers: “Self-Organization of Oblong Particles, Caused by Entropy” and “Modelling of Transparent Conducting Films with Monte Carlo Method”.

On May 7-11, the international conference “Statistical Physics of Complex Systems” is being held in Stockholm. The event is organized by the Nordic Institute for Theoretical Physics (NORDITA) with support of the European Physical Society and united about 150 researchers from all over the world. Astrakhan State University is represented there by Yuri Tarasevich and his report “Electrophysical Properties of Inhomogeneous Media: New Mathematical Models on the Basis of Percolation Theory, Computing Experiments and Applications to Nanocomposites”.

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Institute of Physics & Mathematics