Astrakhan State University Congratulates Veterans on Victory Day

Astrakhan State University Congratulates Veterans on Victory Day

ASU teachers, administrative staff, management and, of course, Acting Rector Konstantin Markelov gathered together to express their gratitude and acknowledgement to the guests of the celebration.

Veterans of pedagogical labour, homefront workers and war children remembered with tears in their eyes about the spring of 1945, long and hard time of that war and those who laid down their lives for the Great Victory.

That day the veterans shared a plenty of memories about hard war times, when they were just kids. They remember that hunger, fear, loss, the moments of seeing men to the front and waiting impatiently for their friends to come home alive. The guests were united in the certainty that the remembrance of that terrible war is not erased in time — it is still alive and is passed down through the generations. Living generations are deeply in debt to those who laid down their lives for the Great Victory.

The event participants observed a minute’s silence in tribute to the memory of those who died in the war and those who deceased already in peacetime.

David Teply, the Chair of the Pedagogical Labour Veterans’ Council, Emma Kopylova, ASU Honorary Professor, Gennady Egorov, Professor of the Department of Physical Training, and many others also shared their childhood memories about the hard time of that war.

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Konstantin Markelov, the Acting Rector of Astrakhan State University, made a musical present to the veterans, singing the song "Last Battle".

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