ASU Young Physicists’ Reports Arose Interest in Russian and Foreign Scientists

ASU Young Physicists’ Reports Arose Interest in Russian and Foreign Scientists

Students of the Faculty of Physics & Technology of Astrakhan State University participated in the 8th Scientific School-Conference of Young Scientists "Modern Problems of Physics and Technologies", which took place on April 15-20, 2019 at the National Research Nuclear University MEPhI.

The first half of each day traditionally saw a plenary session with reports by globally renowned scientists from Germany, Italy, Russia and the Czech Republic, followed by stand and oral sections.

The participants of the school-conference got an opportunity to visit the Scientific & Educational Centre NEVOD and laboratories of the National Research Nuclear University MEPhI.

The ASU teachers and students presented 16 reports at the conference and arose interest in Russian and foreign scientists, including MEPhI researchers, with their developments. Petr Selin got the winner’s certificate in the nomination "Best Presentation of Bachelor’s Work" with the report "Generation and Detection of Vortices in Superfluid Helium with the Use of Quartz Tuning Fork". Konstantin Kolegov’s project "Modelling of Self-Organization of Colloidal Particles in a Drop, Drying on the Substrate, with Monte Carlo Method" ranked first in the nomination "Electronics, Automatics, Spintronics, Nanotechnologies". The report "Mathematical Modelling of Self-Organization Processes in Rod-Like Particle Systems" by Valentina Chirkova was recognized as the best stand report. Finally, Iliya Rybakov’s report "Artificial Vision System for Seedling and Growing Vegetables in Greenhouses" was awarded with the winner’s certificate in the nomination "Best Presentation of Bachelor’s Work".

Faculty of Physics & Technology