ASU Will Be a Co-Founder of Caspian Economic Journal

ASU Will Be a Co-Founder of Caspian Economic Journal

A respective initiative was put forward at a meeting of ASU Acting Rector Konstantin Markelov with guests from Azerbaijan.

Academician Ali Mamed oglu Abbasov, Advisor of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences and the Head of the Department “Information Economy and Technology” of the Azerbaijan State University of Economics, and Zahid Farrukh oglu Mammadov, the Director of the UNEC Department for Organization and Management of Scientific Activities, arrived in Astrakhan to participate in the international scientific forum «Caspian Region in Digital Economy Era» which is being held on May 24-25 at Astrakhan State University.

The academic ties of the universities got another impetus for development in February 2018, when Oksana Mineva, the Dean of the ASU Faculty of Business & Economy, took part in an international conference at the Azerbaijan State University of Economics.

That positive experience generated new ideas, presented by the guests from Azerbaijan to Konstantin Markelov. First of all, it is an initiative on organizing an international forum on the issues of the Caspian states’ economy. The forum organizing committee is expected to include representatives of all the five Caspian states. Besides, the conference proceedings will be published in a collective monograph on the Caspian states’ economy, and a special scientific journal “The Caspian States’ Economy” will be established. Participation of ASU in the editorial board of these publications will be an important factor for raising their ranking and, at the same time, will provide Astrakhan researchers with a new high-ranking platform to publish their scientific achievements.

Konstantin Markelov commended the guests’ initiatives and assured them of the readiness of Astrakhan State University to cooperate in all the outlined areas.

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