ASU Researchers Take Part in a Scientific Conference in Portugal

ASU Researchers Take Part in a Scientific Conference in Portugal

Anna Romanova, the Director of the ASU Institute of Southern Russia & Northern Caspian Region Issues Research, and Lyudmila Baeva, the Dean of the Faculty of Social Communications, participated in the conference «Knowledge, People and Digital Transformation» at the University of Lisbon.

The Astrakhan researchers presented their reports on changes in values, worldview and identity in the digital era, as well as respective challenges and risks. The reports aroused interest of colleagues from Portugal, Brazil, China and Spain and initiated an extensive discussion on the issues under consideration.

It should be noted that the ASU scientists’ research is conducted under support of the Russian Science Foundation (Anna Romanova’s project) and Russian Foundation for Basic Research (Lyudmila Baeva’s project).

During the conference, the colleagues managed to come into new academic and business contacts which will allow ASU to develop cooperation with universities and institutes of Lisbon in research and educational projects.

Faculty of Social Communications