ASU Students Are Involved into Development of EcoWave Initiative and Power Supply System

ASU Students Are Involved into Development of EcoWave Initiative and Power Supply System

Within the implementation of the intensive training course "University of the National Technology Initiative 20.35", the participants of the project teams of Astrakhan State University keep working actively on the projects, assessing intermediate results and making adjustments with regard to the comments made by industrial partners and invited experts.

All the ten projects of the unique educational intensive course are relevant and highly promising both for the university and for regional and Russian industrial partners, the cooperation with which is being maintained along the whole project activity. For example, the project on developing a power supply system on the basis of subsurface electromagnetic generators meet the needs of the Russian Railways, which is a real partner of Astrakhan State University. The project is supervised by Prof. Anatoly Likhter, the Head of the ASU Department of General Physics.

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Another important area of the intensive course "University of the National Technology Initiative 20.35" is design and engineering of vessels with the use of renewable sources of energy. Within the framework of its implementation, Astrakhan State University is actively involved into project activities together with the Autonomous Non-Commercial Organization "National Centre of Engineering Contests & Competitions". The student project team is both developing the initiative "EcoWave" in the sphere of design and operation of electric catamarans from a technical standpoint and promoting the spirit of initiatives in Astrakhan region.

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Engineering Project Office