ASU College Participates in "Studentship Integration"

ASU College Participates in 

The closing ceremony of the educational project, implemented in our city, was held on June, 6 in the business centre "Atrium".

The initiative "Studentship Integration" is a project of the team of the Astrakhan regional office of the interregional public organization "Student Solidarity", supported by the Youth Agency of Astrakhan region. The ASU College and Trade Union also were among the project educational co-organizers.

The project aimed at raising efficiency of student self-governance bodies through development of personal, professional, managerial and interpersonal competences.

During the period of two months, 79 participants, including ASU College students, were involved into an intensive educational programme, consisting of lectures, master classes and interactive activities.

All the participants of the educational project "Studentship Integration" received certificates of participation in the event.

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ASU College