World Engineering Competitions Are Presented at ASU within the Intensive Training Course "University of the National Technology Initiative 20.35"

World Engineering Competitions Are Presented at ASU within the Intensive Training Course

Astrakhan State University, together with the project team of the students and their supervisor Vasily Chanchikov, the Director of the Caspian Higher Engineering School, is actively involved into the development of the digital project "World Engineering Competitions (WEC)".

World Engineering Competitions (WEC) are a unique contest which unites a plenty of educational platforms and young participants from all over the world — the project is implemented in Russia, Belarus, Turkey and other countries. ASU is one of such platforms and is putting forward an initiative to involve large regional industrialists into the Competitions organization, including the United Shipbuilding Corporation. That is why the Astrakhan Shipbuilding Industrial Union, as a regional partner of the USC, is already welcoming young engineers.

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It should be noted that ASU, acting as a partner of the global project, undertakes serious commitments on complying with a high technological level of the event and getting involved into an extensive network on training new generations of digital specialists, i.e. the university must be ready to meet these requirements.

New Technology Academy LLC, the project industrial partner and the WEC national operator, also supports this area of activities.

Engineering Project Office

Directorate of Information Policy