Online Observers Participate in Unified State Exam Monitoring at ASU

Online Observers Participate in Unified State Exam Monitoring at ASU

In 2019, the Situation & Information Centre on State Final Examination has been established at Astrakhan State University. It is equipped with all necessary facilities for high-quality monitoring.

The Centre work is organized in accordance with the results of the all-Russia meeting “Outcomes of the State Final Examination in Educational Programmes of General and Secondary Education in 2018 and Preparation for the Examination in 2019”.

May, 27 saw a launch of the main stage of the Unified State Examination. 23 online observers monitored the examination through the platform and detected violations at the examination centres online for three weeks.

On June 13, the main stage of the Unified State Examination was over; however, the Centre will keep working up to July 1, as there are some extra days for passing the examination.

It should be noted that the practice of public monitoring over the Unified State Examination arises a lot of interest among the youth. Participating in the monitoring over the final examination as observers, young people get an opportunity to control the examination procedure and ensure its transparency and objectivity.

Directorate for Extracurricular Activities & Student Initiatives Development