Students of ASU Znamensk Branch Assess Practical Methods for Ecoculture Development

Students of ASU Znamensk Branch Assess Practical Methods for Ecoculture Development

On June 14, students of the Znamensk Branch of Astrakhan State University attended the pedagogical conference “Environmental Education of Younger Generation”.

The event was organized by the Environmental Education Unit of the State Bogdo-Baskunchak Nature Reserve. One of its employees is now studying at the ASU Znamensk Branch.

The conference aimed at experience exchange between teachers working at pre-school educational institutions of Znamensk on environmental education of pre-school children.

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The event participants presented such projects as “Meteorological station in a kindergarten”, “Vegetable kaleidoscope”, “Nature around us”, “This buzzing, crawling and flying world” and a lot more. All the developments accomplished their objectives — they developed cognitive motivation in children, made them interested in the environment and curious and developed an attitude of care towards nature. There were some practical results as well: for example, a child meteorological station has been created, which helped children learn the principles of weather forecasting.

The students got very interested in the conference programme. They paid special attention to practical methods of teaching ecoculture to children — the project method, simple experiments and modeling.

ASU Znamensk Branch