Students from a Kazakhstan Partner University Completed a Semester Course at the ASU Faculty of Philology & Journalism

Students from a Kazakhstan Partner University Completed a Semester Course at the ASU Faculty of Philology & Journalism

Astrakhan State University and Makhambet Utemisov West Kazakhstan State University (Uralsk, Kazakhstan) have maintained friendly relations for a long time and have been actively implementing an academic mobility programme for several years.

During one semester, Kazakhstan students Miras Amanbaev and Daulet Maksimov attended classes within the programme "Pedagogical Education" together with 2nd-year students of the Faculty of Philology & Journalism and learnt such subjects as "History of Russian Literature", "History of Foreign Literature", "Modern Russian Literary Language", "Pedagogics", "Practical Course in Psychology & Pedagogics" and a lot more. They were involved into the academic life of the Faculty and socialized quite successfully. Miras Amanbaev won the competition of reciters among ASU foreign students, held in April 2019.

Having completed the study programme, the students got certificates on the completion of their studies at ASU.

Faculty of Philology & Journalism