ASU Trade Union Committee Holds a Seminar on Pension Legislation Changes

ASU Trade Union Committee Holds a Seminar on Pension Legislation Changes

The Trade Union of Astrakhan State University has initiated a meeting of ASU teachers and administrative staff members with representatives of the Russian Federation Pension Fund Office in the Leninsky district of Astrakhan.

Nina Belyaeva, the Deputy Head of the Office, and Elena Gushchina, the Head of the Department for Personal Record-Keeping and Work with Insured Persons, told the audience about changes in the Russian pension system, on legislative amendments concerning the retirement age, length of employment and the period of pension assignment. The participants got very interested in the information on benefits and measures of social support for preretirement-age persons and on the ways to check the individual personal account in the RF Pension Fund.

The discussion on this topical issue, which concerns almost everyone, arose a lot of questions among the audience, which all were exhaustively answered.

ASU Trade Union Committee