ASU Participates in a Meeting of the Russian Railways Technological Council

ASU Participates in a Meeting of the Russian Railways Technological Council

On June 26-27, the Privolzhskaya Children Railway, Volgograd, hosted a Technological Council meeting on the topic “Interaction with external innovation environment within the area of the Privolzhskaya Railway to meet innovation demands of Russian Railways subdivisions”.

During the project session, the participants of the Council meeting, including representatives of Astrakhan and Saratov who joined the meeting via videoconference system, considered more than 15 developments that are planned to be implemented at the Privolzhskaya Railway. In particular, at the virtual meeting the experts discussed the projects of Astrakhan State University that are participating in the Russian Railways competitive examination and that are presented by Aleksey Rybakov, the Director of the ASU Institute of Physics & Mathematics. The reports aroused lively interest both among the Council members and among the representatives of Astrakhan and Saratov.

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The Astrakhan State University team was quite active at the training & communication event “Project Activities” and at a strategic session — they participated in the development of various projects together with “Youth Directorate 2.0.” of the Russian Railways.

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Directorate of Research & Innovative Activities