ASU Prospective Students Now Can Submit Documents through Public Services Portal

ASU Prospective Students Now Can Submit Documents through Public Services Portal

The Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation presented the digital SuperService “University Entrance Online”. It allows prospective students to submit their documents through the Public Services Portal and then to track all the stages of the enrollment in the university being in the comfort of their home.

Sergey Kuzmin, the Deputy Minister of the RF Ministry of Science and Higher Education, presented the target model of the SuperService University Entrance Online at a meeting of the Bureau of the Government Commission for Digital Development, Use of IT for Improvement of Life Quality and Conditions for Business Activities.

The meeting saw a discussion on further integration of the information systems that are part of the SuperService with databases of the relevant federal agencies of public authorities (in particular, the RF Ministry of Labour) on providing the applicants with update information on the labour market and statistics on the demand for certain professions.

The target model of the SuperService was approved by the Bureau members and was admitted for further implementation in accordance with the approved roadmap.

Some universities will start implementing the pilot project of the SuperService as early as during the 2020/2021 admission campaign: the documents will be submitted online through the SuperService University Entrance Online. The list of the universities will be drawn up by the end of 2019.

Source: materials of the RF Ministry of Science and Higher Education