“Streams” Are Flowing to ASU: ASU Alumna Organizes an Exhibition in Her Alma Mater

“Streams” Are Flowing to ASU: ASU Alumna Organizes an Exhibition in Her Alma Mater

The College of Astrakhan State University has held a meeting with Natalia Chupakhina, a master of decorative and applied arts and a member of the League of Designers of Astrakhan, within the framework of the project “Interesting People: Our Alumni”.

The exhibition Streams displayed ornamental panel pictures, painted in different techniques (terra, bieder-terra, steampunk), floral collages and compositions. The works sparkled a genuine interest among the college students and staff members.

Natalia graduated from the Faculty of Physics & Mathematics of Astrakhan State Pedagogical Institute. The master shared the history of her life and success with the exhibition visitors and stressed the necessity of education as a basis for further development of personal and professional qualities.

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Natalia Chupakhina answered the visitors’ questions and told the audience about the history of her works. At the end of the event, the master gave some of her works as souvenirs to the most active participants of the meeting.

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ASU College

Photo: Directorate of Information Policy