Astrakhan State University Has Published a Multidisciplinary E-Collection of Articles

Astrakhan State University Has Published a Multidisciplinary E-Collection of Articles

The Department of Continuing Education of Astrakhan State University has prepared another interuniversity collection of scientific papers with international participation “Science & Practice in 21st Century”.

The collection consists of 50 articles, prepared by secondary school teachers, specialists of preschool educational institutions, Ph.D. students, MA students, university teachers, teachers of specialized educational institutions, representatives of organizations and enterprises of the economic sector.

The geographical scope of the collection is quite wide — it includes materials of the authors from Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Russia. The subject areas are philology, pedagogics and psychology, historical and social sciences, economics, legal sciences, natural and technical sciences, Earth sciences.

It is the fourth publication of the collection of scientific papers within the implementation of the scientific and educational project Open Education of the Department of Continuing Education. The collection is indexed in UDC, Library-Bibliographical Classifications, has the ISBN number and is presented in eLIBRARY.RU scientific e-library. The book is sent to libraries of large cities of Russia, ex-Soviet and other foreign countries.

Department of Continuing Education