ASU College Representatives Discuss Transformation of Professional Education System

ASU College Representatives Discuss Transformation of Professional Education System

A project and analytical session was organized within the business programme of the 4th Open Regional Championship on Professional Skills “Young Professionals” (WorldSkills Russia) of Astrakhan region.

The event “Transformation of Professional Education System: Reality and Prospects” involved staff members of the Astrakhan State University College — Svetlana Kunyashova, the College Director, and Deputy Directors Tatiana Chemodanova and Iliya Muravyev.

The speakers and participants of the project session — heads and representatives of public authorities, professional educational organizations and business community — discussed priorities and scenarios of development of vocational education of the future, issues of implementation of educational programmes under conditions of changes in the legal framework, as well as development of the professional education in the context of the national project “Education”.

ASU College